Ontario Liberals Aim At Providing Equal Opportunities To All Genders

Ontario Liberals Aim At Providing Equal Opportunities To All Genders

The Ontario Liberals are announcing policies regarding provision a-day before and after school care, parental leave as a top priority, transparency legislation, in a slate of election platforms promised to lift the status of women.

They announced that they will make sure equal job opportunities for all the citizens regardless of gender or sexual orientation.  All the citizens must be provided with equal opportunities to ensure the long-lasting prosperity of Ontario.

The party is announcing that if they succeed to win the Jun 2 elections they would provide $ 10-a-day before and after school care for kids up to age five and 18 months parental leave program.

Currently, parents are privileged to 12 months of parental leave payments over an 18 months leave with smaller payments over the longer period while the liberals claim that they would ensure full payments for that last six-month period to “top up” the federal program.

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They are also promising to introduce again the Pay Transparency Act that was passed by the former Liberal government but was not implemented by the current progressive conservative government.

Job postings will be publically advertised with all conditions including range or rate, employers will be prevented from asking about past compensation, there will be a prohibition on reprisal against the employees who do discuss or disclose compensation and large companies will be asked to publish pay gaps by genders.

It will be mandatory for the companies to disclose how many women they have hired and their salary detail.  Companies will be encouraged to achieve equitable representation.

The Liberals also plan to create a Women’s Strategy, provision of free menstrual products in schools, libraries, transit stations, and other public places, and devise strategies to expand the Fertility Program to cover the cycle of egg freezing.

Currently, only one egg is covered provided that the patient has medically approved situations that became the cause of infertility. The Liberals say they would ensure it after consulting on the egg freezing proposal but they say that there is a larger likelihood that the patients between 34 and 40 would be eligible.

Apart from it, they are also promising to introduce legislation that was modeled after the Law of Clare this law was first enacted in the United Kingdom and passed in Alberta, this law gives a sense of security to those who feel the risk of domestic violence. This law gives the right to every individual to ask the police about the history of harassment, stalking, or domestic violence of a life partner before or after marriage.

They also pledge to build almost 3,800 more supportive houses within 10 years for those women who because of the fear of domestic violence flee away from their homes.

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