Five Interesting Facts about Calgary

Calgary is a beautiful place to visit; it is not only gorgeous but also entertaining. There are also many fascinating facts to learn about Calgary. So, here are some exciting and fun facts about Calgary that you probably didn’t know.

Read More: Top 8 Best Things to do in Calgary in 2022

1- The Climate

Calgary’s spectacular weather comes first on the list of fascinating facts. Calgary is Canada’s sunniest city. The weather in Calgary is gorgeous. Even in the winter, the weather is pleasant. As a result, the winters seem cozier and more welcoming. Calgary has around three hundred and thirty days of sunlight on average every year. So now you know how important the weather is in Calgary. It has a prairie-steppe climate, which is generally sunny all year. Calgary, on the other hand, has frigid winters. Calgary’s winters are mostly cold and dry, with a smattering of sunlight.

In the winter, the city’s low season is when frigid conditions dissuade visitors and drive down accommodation prices. Hotel rates are likely to be at their peak during the summer. If you schedule a few weeks ahead of time, you may get some fantastic prices. If you want to save money while still experiencing frigid conditions, come in April or October when the city is devoid of visitors and winter’s cold grip.


Calgary is a bustling city with multicultural feelings, not simply a city of teenagers. Calgary is one of Canada’s most diversified cities. Around twenty-eight of the current population was born outside of the nation.

People love and watch the ideal combination of diverse cultures, making their eating and festive scene fantastic. Because of the city’s diverse population, more than one hundred and forty languages have been discovered and spoken. You’ll find someone talking about a language other than English wherever you go.  The fact is that all immigrants who have come to Calgary, regardless of where they came from in the globe, are an essential part of the city’s vitality.

The multicultural populace of Calgary is an advantage. Everyone adds to shared experiences, making Calgarians great!

What is your favorite aspect of Calgary’s immigration or diversity? Let us know in the comments section below!

3-Stampede in Calgary

The Calgary Stampede is a rodeo, display, and celebration every July in Calgary. The ten-day festival, dubbed “The Biggest Outdoor Show in The World,” draws over a million people each year and includes one of the world’s biggest rodeos, a procession, entertainment, stage events, music, agricultural contests, and First Nations presentations.

The Calgary and District Agricultural Society staged its first fair in 1886, which was the event’s start. Guy Weadick, an American marketer, staged the inaugural Stampede rodeo and festival in 1912. In 1919, he went to Calgary to arrange the Victory Stampede to honor World War I veterans. When Weadick’s festival united with the Calgary Industrial Exhibition in 1923 to become the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, it became an annual celebration.

The Calgary Stampede, managed by hundreds of workers and backed by local authorities, has developed into one of the world’s wealthiest rodeos, one of Canada’s most significant events, and an important tourist draw for the city. These racing competitions are shown on Canadian television. However, both have come under fire from animal welfare organizations and politicians worried about specific events and animal rights advocates attempting to outlaw rodeo in general.

The event is linked to Calgary’s domestic and international identities. The city is known as “Stampede City,” which is called “Cowtown,” and the native Canadian Football club is the Stampeders. During Stampede, the city takes on a party vibe: apartment buildings and shops are repainted in cowboy themes, locals dress in western attire, and thousands of pancake breakfasts and grills are organized.

4- Calgary is clean and beautiful

Calgary is known not just for its natural beauty but also for its meticulous hygiene. Many people consider Calgary to be the cleanest city in the world.

Calgarians want their city to be clean and attractive, and they go to great lengths to ensure that it is. It’s in the air they breathe. Calgary’s atmosphere is clean and fresh, and its streets are immaculate.

Sewer systems, regulated air quality, trash collection and recycling, traffic jams, water resources, and sanitation are the five major components to keep Calgary clean.

5- Beef with Ginger

A famous Western Canadian cuisine is ginger beef. Ginger, sweet sauce, and, of course, meat goes into this meal.

The cuisine is partially Canadian and half Chinese since Chinese recipes inspire it. However, it was created in Calgary. Many cooks and eateries claim credit for completing this dish.

We have provided you with the five most interesting facts about Calgary and we hope that you will find these facts very useful and interesting. Let us know what you think about these fun Calgary facts in the comments area.

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